50 Years Ago Today…
50 Years Ago Today… Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution" at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on March 31st, 1968. (Goto the links in the comments to listen to the speech, read the speech and learn about #MLK50Forward, The King Center, and the story behind “Monks on Main Street”.)
This speech came 4 days before his assassination. It feels so important to all that we are moving through today in our country and in our world with the movements of #BlackLivesMatter,#NeverAgain, #MeToo, #IdleNoMore &#StandingRock. His words still ring true to this day.
This is the speech where I found the quote that opens “Monks on Main Street”...
“And I submit that nothing will be done until people of goodwill put their bodies and their souls in motion. And it will be the kind of soul force brought into being as a result of this confrontation that I believe will make the difference.”
Please take a moment to listen this speech/sermon of his and honor his legacy.
Thank you to The King Center for your incredible work continuing the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and for approving the use of this vocal sample from his speech for the song “Monks on Main Street".
Take a moment to check out the MLK50Forward website to get involved in taking MLK’s legacy forward into your Life. Our world needs all people of goodwill to become leaders of their community to help realize the vision of a Beloved Community.
With All My Love,